Rede Concepcionista de Ensino  - Colégio Imaculada Conceição - Passos-MG


Imaculada Conceição





A Planetary Exploration with the Preschool Class

Our preschool students embarked on an exciting journey through the solar system! As part of an immersive, hands-on activity, each child was given the opportunity to color one of the planets, using their imagination to bring the wonders of space to life. From Jupiter's vibrant orange storms to Neptune's cool blue hues, the children explored the distinct characteristics of each planet with creativity and curiosity.

Now proudly displayed in our school, their artwork not only showcases their artistic talents but also reflects their growing knowledge of the solar system. This engaging project fostered collaboration, curiosity, and a deeper interest in space exploration. We're delighted by their enthusiasm and can't wait for more exciting learning adventures ahead!

In addition to coloring, we also introduced fun facts about each planet, sparking even more excitement. The children learned how Mars is often called the "Red Planet," and how Saturn's famous rings are made of ice and rock. Their fascination with space has inspired deeper questions about the universe, setting the stage for future lessons that explore astronomy, science, and beyond!

Source: Prof. Maria Clara Judice Silva