Rede Concepcionista de Ensino  - Colégio Imaculada Conceição - Passos-MG


Imaculada Conceição





4th and 5th graders and the Cambridge English Proficiency Exam

Students in the 4th and 5th grades of our elementary school recently participated in a simulated version of the Cambridge English Proficiency Exam. This initiative aimed to assess and enhance their English language skills, providing them with early exposure to the structure and expectations of international language assessments.

The simulation was designed to mimic the format and difficulty level of the Cambridge exams, focusing on key areas such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The experience not only allowed students to gauge their current proficiency in English but also gave them valuable insight into the types of questions and tasks they can expect in future exams.

"The earlier our students are exposed to these international standards, the more confident and capable they will become," said one of the teachers involved in the simulation.

While this year's simulation was focused on the 4th and 5th graders, there are plans to expand the program in the coming years. Students in lower grades are already being prepared to take part in future simulations, ensuring that they too will be ready to face the Cambridge exams when the time comes.

Prof. Larissa Pádua Pereira Silveira