Rede Concepcionista de Ensino  - Colégio Imaculada Conceição - Passos-MG


Imaculada Conceição





7th grade proving that small actions can make a big difference

We have been discussing about old civilisations and societies in our English classes of the 7th grade. According to the scientist Émile Durkheim, our society is like our organs, one depends on the other. If one of our organs fails, we get sick. The same happens in a society. We can’t forget that we don’t live alone.

Thinking about that many actions were discussed and we decided to do some of them, because small actions can make a big difference in a person’s life. The students wrote thank-you notes to the school’s staff and also brought some snacks and shared them with classmates, teachers and other school employees.

It was really amazing.

Source: Prof. Taís Martins Alves de Lima